Saturday, May 05, 2012

Debt Deletion without Attorney's


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Mentoring for Networkers.


New born distributors are like new born babies.
They need feeding, nuturing, their diapers changed!

Sponsoring a new distributor into your organization
demands that you take responsibity for nuturing
and feeding and training.

It is your responsibility to bring the new distributor
to maturity, bring him / her to a point of success!

There are many ways to do develop the new person
and to get them off on a solid footing.

Books, Tapes, CD's, Newsletters by people outside of
your company.

A great system is Mentoring For Free
(yes, it is free)

An excellent eb00k is "Success in 10 steps"
available from:

Let us all work together to make this industry a better place.

Walter Seward